What Causes ADD/ADHD and LD?

SharperBrain Permanently and Safely Repairs the Underlying Cause of ADD, ADHD and LD - You'll Get Results or Your Money Back!
Your daughter is a smart kid. She did well at school for the first couple of years. But now she daydreams a lot, or she bounces from one activity to another in the blink of an eye. She’s impulsive and irritable. She says she’s bored.
Your son says he just can’t hack it at school because he’s dumb. You know in your heart it’s not true. But how can he study so hard the night before a test, then fail it the next morning?
You can now permanently repair attention deficits associated with ADD/ADHD/LD using this state-of-the-art program - SharperBrain

ADD/ADHD and LD are Not Behavior Disorders

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity (ADHD) and Learning Disability (LD), Long Treated as Behavioral Problems, are Actually Neurological Disorders.

With ADD/ADHD, the brain simply does not produce the kinds of brainwave patterns that can support sustained attention.

Kids and adults who have the condition find it difficult to follow a conversation, read a book or concentrate in class or in a meeting. Frustrated, they may become irritable and impatient.
LD prevents the brain from properly organizing information so that it can be readily retrieved, or remembered--something like a computer that’s never been defragmented. Kids with LD do not lack intelligence, but they may come to believe they’re stupid or lazy.
ADD/ADHD and LD can all have a devastating effect on self esteem.

Are drugs the only treatment for ADD/ADHD/LD?

More than 5% of all children in North America are thought to have at least one form of learning disability. Approximately 7% of kids in the US alone are on medication to control ADD or ADHD.
Perhaps the most well known drug used to treat ADD/ADHD is Ritalin (methylphenidate hydrochloride).
You might think it’s contradictory to treat hyperactivity and inattention with a drug that stimulates the central nervous system (it’s also used to treat narcolepsy). But attention deficit, hyperactivity, and learning disabilities are all characterized by an excess of slow brainwaves, or theta waves, and insufficient beta 1 waves, the higher-frequency brainwaves necessary for focused concentration.
The drug speeds up the way the brain processes information, thus masking the underlying problem for as long as the drug remains effective--about six hours.
Ritalin can cause some nasty side effects.
Strattera is not free of side effects either.

But ADD/ADHD/LD can be corrected


Instead of using drugs to try to compensate for improperly functioning neurological structures, it is possible to fix the problem once and for all.
By training the brain to work at appropriate frequencies and by providing practice in switching easily between those frequencies, the ability to pay attention and to focus can be restored.
With continued practice, learning can consolidate and generalize to other areas of cognitive performance.
Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback used in cognitive therapy. The child (or adult) is connected by electrodes to an electroencephalograph (EEG), an instrument that records nerve impulses as they are generated by the brain. In repeated sessions, the subject is taught to diminish inappropriate brainwave frequencies and to generate more appropriate ones.
Computer-assisted cognitive therapy is an especially effective form neurofeedback. It offers many advantages over conventional methods; for example, it can be administered at home, without specialized equipment, and it costs far less. SharperBrain represents the cutting edge of research in computer programs for neurocognitive therapy.

Read more about how it works here.
Is SharperBrain suitable for your child? Find out here.
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